Thursday, December 5, 2019

Keep Plastic Out of your Cotton Round Modules

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Presented by: Cotton Incorporated
Keep the Plastic Out
U.S. cotton has a rather, shall we say, spotless reputation for producing contamination-free cotton. Over the past few years, however, plastic from round module wraps has been found in various samples from the gin, which threatens not only the reputation of our product, but the overall value of the bale.
How can I wrap my cotton and keep plastic out?
This video from the National Cotton Council provides detailed instructions for properly adjusting your harvester to ensure a perfect wrap. It also includes best practices gins can follow for handling modules. Start there.

OK, so what next?
When it comes to maintaining the quality of your cotton, there's no such thing as being too thorough. The National Cotton Council maintains a slew of contamination prevention guides, which can all be found here.

But wait, there's more.
These helpful Focus on Cotton presentations also address contamination and steps you can take to prevent it:
This information helps you maintain the value of your bales this harvest and keeps U.S. cotton's reputation in good standing.
For more information on all things cotton, visit Cotton Cultivated and follow @CCultivated on Twitter.
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